luni, 31 decembrie 2012

2013 resolutions ♥

♥buy a new camera (Canon D600) ;
♥buy a laptop (really need one!) ;
♥have the best grades in my class (this semester I had the best ones, hope I'll keep them up until the end of the 11th grade) ;
♥lose more weight (this year I lost 2 kg, but there is still a lot to work) ;
♥learn all the biology book (I really need it, because I want to became a doctor, and for admission to university I need to learn the biology book for 11th grade, but I admit that I was a biiiiig lazy and didn't learn too much :( )
♥visit my grandma more ;
♥become better at basketball ;
♥make a photoshooting with me and my sister (I always take pics of her, but we don't have much photos together) ;
♥learn better german ;
♥visit Greece (again! I love that country) ;
♥aaand have a better blog, with fans who write me comments :D

What resolutions do you have? ♥

duminică, 30 decembrie 2012

Cozy ♥

Awwwie, I love days like these: you sit and sit and sit and you sit everywhere you want without caring where you sit. Why? Because you don't have anything better to do :3 Watched a movie, pretty good one, it's based on a real story.
We made for the first time cupcakes. FAIL! :)) (pic below)
Now I'm checking my favorite blogs. ♥

Don't you just love holidays? ♥


It's sundaaaay!
How I promised, I will post my new stuff from IKEA (they're not so many, but I love them :3): a white shelf, a frame for my sister's puzzle and lovely candles (actually I bought them not for the candle, but for their flower patterned bowl :D )

Haha, just look at her face =)

What are you doing today? :)

sâmbătă, 29 decembrie 2012


Hello everyone!
I just arrived home. I went shopping and I'm extremly happy that I found the perfect outfit for new year's eve!! (skirt, blouse and lovely shoes) It's just sooo perfect! Here's a photo: (and no, you won't see any photo with me dressed with them until 1st of January :P)

And this is a photo with the sunset. It was too lovely to not take a pic.
How was you day sweethearts?


Today I am going with my mom to search for the perfect for new year's eve <3 I really hope I'll find a cute one, something with flowers and not too elegant.
What are you doing today? Did you find your dress? :D

vineri, 28 decembrie 2012

Long day

Good evening, sweethearts!
Today was a looong long day. I woke up at 10 and at 11 I was with my mom and sister in IKEA looking for some new stuff for house. Then, we went to a local shop. When I arrived home, my friends called me and asked if I want to go with them to do the shopping for the New Year's Eve. Haha, of course I want to go, why did you even ask?! :3 It was really fun, six noisy people in shop looking for food&drinks. Some bags even broke on the way home, we laughed soooo hard.
Yeaah, so no time for me. Now it's 11:18 p.m. and I am sitting on the sofa with my perfect tea. I took some pictures of what I bought, but I'm really to tired to post them. But here are some random pics I like.

How was your day? <3

joi, 27 decembrie 2012


I just came home. It's freezing outside! My hands hurt :(. However, I had fun skating with my friends and there was this boy who asked for my number, but I don't really like him, he's not my type. Argh, I hate those awkward moments D:
No photos with me on ice, but here is one:
How was your day?

miercuri, 26 decembrie 2012

Boring day

Yep, nothing special happened today. Some relatives came here and brought me some gifts (pics beneath).
Tomorrow I'll be going to skate with some old friends and I really can't wait, I missed them so much. Hope there will be some photos, thinking that it'll be night. We'll see.

All these are handmade :D

And this is me *.*

marți, 25 decembrie 2012

Meeeerry Christmas!

Hello everyone! Finally, the most excting day of the year is here! CHRISTMAS!
We woke up around 9 (Me and my sister were very lazy, my mom came in our room and usually, we used to wake them up :D) and opened the presents. My sister got a lovely pink bag, a Barbie perfume and the doll she dreamed of. Mom got a teapot and my dad a coat and a mirror (*a mirror?!* yes, a mirror)

Aaaand, these are mine <3 :

What did Santa bring you? :D

luni, 24 decembrie 2012


It's almost Christmas!
Today we (me and my sister) went to our grandma and sang a carol for her and then ate a loooot of food.
Back home, we just finished making the Christmas tree and now it's about 8 p.m. and I can't wait to wake up tomorrow and see the gifts! <3
Here are some photos:
Some cards for my family <3

Some cards for my family. <3

My parents "fighting" with the big tree. (and a huge mess in the living room)

What are you doing today?

Christmas Eve

Good morning guys! It's Christmas Eve, 24th of December. :) Today we're gonna decorate the Christmas tree and the house and also cook traditional foods.

What do you do today? :)

duminică, 23 decembrie 2012


Hello world!
This is not my first blog, I think it's the third one and I hope the one I will use and I will not forget the password.
If you want to know something about me, here we go: my name is Sonia Cristina, I have 17 years, I'm from Bucharest, Romania. If you want other details, leave a comment. Aaaand this is me:

And if you wonder why I write in english it's because I want everyone to read my blog, not only the romanians.